Sunday, May 27, 2007

About HIM...Memorial Day Prayer

Okay, I realize that there are very, very few people that read this blog. Not counting my wife, maybe none. That's okay. It is kind of fun to write stuff and it is fun to attach pictures of the kids and work.

I changed the name of the blog (if anyone even noticed) because I am trying to change a few things in my life. I am trying to adjust the way I live my life. It is kind of hard sometimes to remember that it is not about me. I get too wrapped up in life and the stresses of work and day-to-day activities. I love the Lord, but I don't always give him the credit he deserves. This life that I am living is all About HIM. In the times that it isn't, it should be. I praise the Lord that in spite of my selfishness, he does amazing things all around me.

This being Memorial Day weekend, I am reminded of those that have fallen in combat throughout history. Even more, I am reminded of those that I know personally that have been killed in this war we are fighting in Iraq. Also, I know friends that have been seriously injured while fighting the war in Afghanistan. Back in January of this year, there were three fellow EOD techs that were killed in Iraq. A few days before they were killed, one of the armored vehicles that their unit used was prayed over and a prayer was written on the door saying "Dear God, protect this vehicle and those who are inside...Amen." That very night, the vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb and completely destroyed. All four of the passengers walked away unharmed.

This story is amazing! God performed a miracle. There isn't any reason that these people should have survived. The part that bothers me about this story is that even though most would say that they believe that the prayer had something to do with the survival of these individuals, very few, if any will make any changes in their life. It is just "pretty cool." They need our prayer; that they will have softened hearts and an open mind to experience Jesus. I don't pretend to know the condition of the hearts of those who have lost their lives, but I do know that many of them didn't know Jesus. There are still many who don't know Jesus as their savior over in the war zone. Pray for these Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines on this Memorial Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I'm rereading this over a year after you wrote it, but I think it is just beautiful. I am very proud of you, Daniel, and I do pray that you will continually renew this prayer in your life. It truly is all about HIM. May God direct you in His way and the way that you should go. OHILY